3. Characters
Welcome to BWA! The BWA is a completely scripted, or booked, e-fed. Scripting, or booking, when done properly, can make for some of the most exciting and entertaining wrestling action that can possibly be imagined. Who needs a simulator to decide your matches for you when you have it within yourself all that you need in order to win!
To get started in BWA, you need to join. To join you must first fill out the BWA Membership Application with your wrestlers information as well as sign up at our boards and tell the Admin that you are applying to join the BWA; just follow the link on the main page.
In order to play here you need to have an original character that you have come up with. I’m not looking at adding someone that is going to copy and use such wrestlers as Shawn Michaels, Undertaker, Chris Jericho, John Cena, or any other “REAL WRESTLERS”. I want a character that comes from your mind. I’m looking for an original name and gimmick. It helps to make your character that much more enjoyable not only for you, but for that others that are here as well when they read your RP’s. The more original your character is, the more fun you will have with them!
Roleplaying is probably the biggest factor in BWA in the way of winning wrestling matches. To roleplay, simply post messages on the BWA RP Board before and after your matches. Roleplaying is BIG in BWA, so be sure to participate. If you have a match, it is expected of you to roleplay for that match. If you do not roleplay, you're opening yourself up and allowing yourself to easily job (lose the match), and that's not what you want to do here in BWA, otherwise you wouldn't have joined in the first place! To get your FULL push for RPing, BWA expects two QUALITY RPs in the role playing period. However, we do encourage you to RP as often as you like.
For each match (save for dark matches), you are expected to send in strats and/or instructions. These strats will encompass how your wrestler will wrestle the match, counter moves, prepare for sneak attacks, etc. I love good strats, and there is nothing better than a SIMPLE fairly SHORT strat that makes my life easier. You can include many things here: Entrances, music, how your wrestler will act, etc. When you are sending in a wrestlers entrance, send it in the form that you would see it on the card, that way I can cut and paste it, and concentrate more on the cards. As for INSTRUCTIONS: If you want to come out and do an interview, sneak attack another wrestler, or whatever, you are expected to send in Instructions for this. If it is an interview... do me a big favor, and send it in so that I can cut and paste it into the card, makes my life a bit easier.
BWA reserves the right to sign any matches that we feel should take place and will do so for the most part. However, we also want the wrestlers themselves to get to pick who they will wrestle. Therefore, if you want to request a match, simply e-mail me your request and we'll see what we can do. Any type of match is sanctionable in BWA , at the discretion of BWA (No DQ, Barb Wire, Steel Cage, Leather Strap, Texas Death, etc., even special stipulations that you name. Creativity counts). Be aware, though, that if you are a registered wrestler in BWA, BWA reserves the right to place you in any match we feel fit. Therefore, if you will be out of town, or away from the computer for a period of time, please let us know. For a complete listing of BWA cards, please refer to the main page.
Each BWA wrestler will be booked as I see fit. Please understand that if you can not make a card or if something pops up in real life, please make me a aware of it. I understand that real life comes first. I am married and have kids myself, so please take a few minutes and drop me an IM or an e-mail and let me know what’s going on so that I can do what’s right not only for me, but for you and your charcter as well. At no point is any wrestler allowed more than one singles and one tag match on any given televised show. The only exceptions to this are special events, tournaments, and Supercards. Belts could be defended on any card, but all championships will be defended at the BWA Supercards. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!
BWA holds one televised show (BWA Cajun RAGE) once a month and a Supershow every three months. Rarely will we hold Supercards in consecutive months, but this may happen if events warrant them. Members of the BWA Booking Committee will write up the Cajun Rage show with commentary.
Wrestlers and Tag Teams will be ranked by their record, as well as quality of opposition, and quality of roleplays. These rankings, hopefully, will be on a weekly basis. The higher ranked contender you are, the greater your chance of receiving a title shot at one of BWA Championship Titles. Rankings will be based on RP ability, record, titles held, and strength of opponents.
I understand that people are going to drop a couple of “bad words”. I know I do when I RP, BUT please use a little common sense when you are writing and not just fill a RP with 50 f-bombs.
BWA reserves the right to suspend or expulse anyone at any given time for violating any of the rules, stated above. Also, if you have a problem with how we use your character, come to us in a friendly manner about it. Don't blatantly bitch about it, or you will job, plain and simple.
Aside from what's outlined here, you basically can do whatever you want. Just remember, it's only a game, and regardless of who wins or loses, have fun in BWA, because that's what this is all about.